How To Lose Weight Through Diet Without Going To The Gym


Due to today’s busy life, we have forgotten to pay attention to ourselves, some kind of disease has come into our body due to which we fall ill quickly, if we pay a little attention to ourselves, we can avoid such disease.

You can go to the gym, do cardio, or follow a simple diet. You don’t need to stay fit by going to the gym or doing cardio, but due to your busy life, how can you stay fit with a simple diet?

As soon as you wake up, drink at least 1 to 2 glasses of hot water, preferably 3 to 4. You will only drink a little water in the beginning, so drink 1 to 2 glasses of water in the beginning.

As you drink water every day, you will get addicted to it, then you can drink 3 to 4 glasses of water. For example, you can also use Japanese techniques people in Japan who drink hot water keep themselves so fit. So you can also use these techniques to benefit yourself greatly

Breakfast:  If you are a vegetarian, you can have oats for breakfast, take 100 grams of oats, and add onion, garlic, cinnamon, and a little mangrove to it, it is necessary to add salt, etc. to the rest. Vegetables can be added to it according to the season. If possible, add broccoli or cornflakes or drink a glass of milk without cream.

If you are a non-vegetarian then take the white part of three or four boiled eggs.

Brunch: Five to ten almonds, along with coffee or green tea or tea with ginger, basil, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. but it should be sugar-free instead of sugar.

Evening: Any veg soup or roasted gram with tea coffee or green tea. If you want, you can also take sprouts.

If you want, you can also take jaggery instead of sugar. Jaggery is very good for your body. Jaggery is very beneficial for your body. Jaggery will help you lose weight, so I advise you to take jaggery instead of sugar.

Dinner: You have to avoid eating food at night. It takes time for you to digest it, which increases our fat. So if you are a vegetarian, you can eat dal or roti with it. You can have a salad with it or add fruits to it.

If you are a non-vegetarian then you can boil 3 to 4 eggs and 150 grams of chicken and eat it and also eat salad.

If you follow this diet to stay fit then you should avoid such food which hurts your body, what should you eat like sweets, cold drinks, oily food, fast food, momos, spring rolls, burgers or much other food. 

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